Imagine never getting stuck again on Shabbos not knowing what to do! 
I highly recommend this program.
HaGaon Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits, shlit"a, Rosh Yeshiva of Aish HaTorah and Rosh Kollel of the Jerusalem Kollel 
Rabbinical Advisor of the Hilchos Shabbos for Women
First Shiur is on July 22nd
How Torah Women Can Gain Mastery of Hilchos Shabbos
  • This is a structured online program for avreichim and working Bnei Torah 
  • Its ​based on Rav Yitzchak Berkovits’s famous curriculum.
  • Gain confidence in your knowledge of Hilchos Shabbos.
  • Make your family's Shabbos an unforgettable experience and serve as a role model for your kids.
  • Option to be part of an online chabura with a weekly Zoom shiur (or to do it at one's own pace) taught by Rav Yehonasan Gefen, talmid muvhak of Rav Berkovits, shlit"a
  • ​Sources with clear explanations in English
  • Join over one thousand past and present participants in our programs
  • ​Upon completion of optional tests participants receive a certificate signed by Rav Berkovits.
For more information, tuition and application 
please fill out the form below
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Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits Speaking About How Hilchos Shabbos Program Can Impact Someone's Life
What women say about our other Halacha programs:
As women, we are required to learn halacha in order to fulfill it properly. The more detailed one's knowledge of halacha, the more likely one is to be able to fulfill the will of Hashem. Without serious knowledge of halacha, a woman may not even be aware of which sheilos need to be presented to a posek. Rabbi Gefen's course ... provides women with a level of knowledge and understanding of the halacha from the primary sources to the halacha l'maasei (practical halacha). The depth of the learning is gratifying. Participating in this program has raised my awareness of the need to apply the halacha in situations that would have escaped my notice in the past. The shiurim are clear and there is plenty of opportunity for questions. Rabbi Gefen is available for questions via email in between shiurim as well. I am not aware of any other opportunity available for women to learn halacha at this level. I look forward to receiving the sources and hearing the shiur every week!  
Shoshana Snyder, M.D.
Los Angeles, CA

It's been a real pleasure to be part of the ... program. I look forward to the source sheets and shiur every week. I have an increased appreciation of the halachos and how to apply them in daily life. The material has abundant sources with varying opinions and a halacha lmaaseh section. The shiurim are a elucidation of the source sheets and an opportunity to have our questions answered. I highly recommend the program! 
Basya Gutmann
Clifton, NJ

The shiur is well focused ... and of course the more prepared I am the more I get out of it. Questions from the participants are handled well, and we all get a lot out of the shiur. Using Zoom allows us access to a shiur that we wouldn't be able to access in person. 
Batya Eshel
Tzfat, Israel
Rabbi Gefen grew up in London. He never imagined becoming a Rabbi, and certainly did not see himself as someone teaching Torah to hundreds of people. Yet, after twenty years of intensive learning, Rabbi Gefen found his calling as a disseminator of Halacha, with particular focus on the wide-ranging and highly relevant halachos of Shabbos. This turned into the online 'Kinyan Hilchos Shabbos Program' that has been drawing hundreds of talmidim from around the world who testify to the inestimable value of this course, and how it has a tremendous positive effect not only on themselves but on their entire families. Rabbi Gefen has now focused his efforts on creating the same structured program about Shabbos for women as well and making it available for serious and motivated Torah women.
Rabbi Gefen is a very close student of HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Berkovits shlit’a and was a Rosh Chabura in his famed Kollel for over eight years. In his time in the Kollel, Rabbi Gefen developed a deep understanding of the laws of Shabbos beginning with the original sources, going through the gamut of Rishonim and Acharonim, and reaching the practical halacha. Using Rav Berkovits’ tremendous source sheets and with his haskama and encouragement, Rabbi Gefen took on the monumental task of translating these sheets into English, adding the main opinions of the Poskim. In this way, a busy woman with limited time, using English materials, can learn Hilchos Shabbos on a practical level. Over 700 current participants and alumni can testify to the inestimable value of our courses, and how it has a tremendous positive effect not only on themselves but on their entire families.
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